Online Reading Sleepwalking Land

Book Details
️Book Title : Sleepwalking Land
⚡Book Author : Mia Couto
⚡Page : 256 pages
⚡Published February 21st 2006 by Serpent's Tail (first published 1992)

Sleepwalking Land - As the civil war rages in 1980s Mozambique, an old man and a young boy, refugees from the war, seek shelter in a burnt-out bus. Among the effects of a dead passenger, they come across a set of notebooks that tell of his life. As the boy reads the story to his elderly companion, this story and their own develop in tandem. Written in 1992, Mia Coutos first novel is a powerful indictment of the suffering war brings.

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Sleepwalking Land

As the civil war rages in 1980s Mozambique, an old man and a young boy, refugees from the war, seek shelter in a burnt-out bus. Among the effects of a dead passenger, they come across a set of notebooks that tell of his life. As the boy reads the story to his elderly companion, this story and their own develop in tandem. Written in 1992, Mia Coutos first novel is a powerful indictment of the suffering war brings.

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