Book Details
⚡️Book Title : You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?
⚡Book Author : Karl Wiggins
⚡Page : 263 pages
⚡Published January 3rd 2015 by Karl Wiggins (first published January 2nd 2015)
You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You? - Rascal-Sage Karl Wiggins has done it again, only this time even better. In America theyre called Advice Columnists, in England Agony Aunts. Well Karl Wiggins is an Agony Uncle who takes no crap Everyone has read these columns in the dentist waiting room, and I have to agree with Karl in that the majority of Agony Aunts or Advice Columnists are without exception patronising, condescending and pretentious, providing the same type of namby-pamby, wishy-washy band-aid solution for just about every dilemma; Im sorry to hear what youre going through, but you know life is full of ups and downs, Im sure if you give it time . In short, they are no help whatsoever. Not so Wiggins, for he has the Heaven-sent ability of being able to get right to the nitty-gritty in just a few sentences. His answers, however, are more often than not roll-on-the-floor hilarious. Karl makes it absolutely clear that hes no marriage guidance counsellor, psychotherapist, priest or vegetarian, but his adequacy to hand out solid advice is confirmed as soon as you start reading this book. His advice is delivered in a humorous, occasionally impassioned and exasperated, yet always intuitive manner. Karl speaks from the heart and never, ever evades the issue. If youre looking to read one of those family therapy books where the advisor hems and haws, and sits on the fence and tap-dances around the issue then stop right now. This is not the book for you. But if youre searching for straight-talking guidance on dating, marriage, cohabitation, divorce, sensuality, lust, and sexual urges then look no further. This is the book youre after Karl Wiggins does not tread warily around any issue whatsoever racism, under-age sex, religious extremism, sexual violence. And he does not mince his words; Just the opposite in fact. Ive known Karl for several years and Ill tell you he dances towards trouble with a huge grin on his face, which is why I call him the Rascal-Sage. He is in truth a laughing, joking Shaman. The court jester but with all the respect of a sorcerer, for theres always an element of danger lurking about beneath the surface of his smile, and when hes angry he is truly a site to behold (Maybe thats what attracts the reader). Karl, thank you for being you, for not judging me, for seeing me as I truly am and for allowing me the honour of writing the forward to this book for you. But remember Ive read the book and you are so naughty . Im going to pray for you. Yvette
You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?
Rascal-Sage Karl Wiggins has done it again, only this time even better. In America theyre called Advice Columnists, in England Agony Aunts. Well Karl Wiggins is an Agony Uncle who takes no crap Everyone has read these columns in the dentist waiting room, and I have to agree with Karl in that the majority of Agony Aunts or Advice Columnists are without exception patronising, condescending and pretentious, providing the same type of namby-pamby, wishy-washy band-aid solution for just about every dilemma; Im sorry to hear what youre going through, but you know life is full of ups and downs, Im sure if you give it time . In short, they are no help whatsoever. Not so Wiggins, for he has the Heaven-sent ability of being able to get right to the nitty-gritty in just a few sentences. His answers, however, are more often than not roll-on-the-floor hilarious. Karl makes it absolutely clear that hes no marriage guidance counsellor, psychotherapist, priest or vegetarian, but his adequacy to hand out solid advice is confirmed as soon as you start reading this book. His advice is delivered in a humorous, occasionally impassioned and exasperated, yet always intuitive manner. Karl speaks from the heart and never, ever evades the issue. If youre looking to read one of those family therapy books where the advisor hems and haws, and sits on the fence and tap-dances around the issue then stop right now. This is not the book for you. But if youre searching for straight-talking guidance on dating, marriage, cohabitation, divorce, sensuality, lust, and sexual urges then look no further. This is the book youre after Karl Wiggins does not tread warily around any issue whatsoever racism, under-age sex, religious extremism, sexual violence. And he does not mince his words; Just the opposite in fact. Ive known Karl for several years and Ill tell you he dances towards trouble with a huge grin on his face, which is why I call him the Rascal-Sage. He is in truth a laughing, joking Shaman. The court jester but with all the respect of a sorcerer, for theres always an element of danger lurking about beneath the surface of his smile, and when hes angry he is truly a site to behold (Maybe thats what attracts the reader). Karl, thank you for being you, for not judging me, for seeing me as I truly am and for allowing me the honour of writing the forward to this book for you. But remember Ive read the book and you are so naughty . Im going to pray for you. Yvette