Read E-Book Online Ordeal

Book Details
️Book Title : Ordeal
⚡Book Author : Tatyana K. Varenko
⚡Page : 215 pages
⚡Published February 11th 2010 by CreateSpace (first published February 7th 2010)

Ordeal - Luella, fierce, strong vampire, Falls for a pretty human catch Sent on her fianc's desire To celebrate they are engaged. This unexpected turnabout Is doomed to come to a dead end: Her human sweetheart's dead to shroud; Her fianc's avenged for that; And she is punished for blood treason, Banished into a mortal child, Whose human body is a prison For all her powers to bind. Her memories obliterated, She is to find her love at last Who proves to be too much related To the misfortunes from her past.

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Luella, fierce, strong vampire, Falls for a pretty human catch Sent on her fianc's desire To celebrate they are engaged. This unexpected turnabout Is doomed to come to a dead end: Her human sweetheart's dead to shroud; Her fianc's avenged for that; And she is punished for blood treason, Banished into a mortal child, Whose human body is a prison For all her powers to bind. Her memories obliterated, She is to find her love at last Who proves to be too much related To the misfortunes from her past.

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